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2D Geometry in Impulse Physics

Currently, there is support for:

  • Circle
  • Point (a typedef of 2D Vector)
  • Line
  • Rectangle
  • Oriented Rectangle


A line consists of a start and end variable, each are Point2D instances. For convienence, the following functions are present:

  • Length()
  • LengthFast(), which returns the distance without performing the final, expensive sqrtf function.


A 2D circle consists of a radius and a origin (Point2D). It has no other special features in it's own class.


A 2D rectangle consists of an origin, (Point2D) and a size (Vector2).

A helper constructor is also given, named InitializeWithMinAndMax which takes 2 Point2D variables and will initialize the Rectangle for you.

Additionally, this class also has the following helper functions:

  • GetMin()
  • GetMax()

Oriented Rectangle

Unlike the regular 2D Rectangle, an oriented Rectangle can be, as the name suggests, rotated.

As such, it is constructed with it's position (Point2D) and halfExtents (Vector2).

If you wish, you are also capable of immediately constructing it with rotation, by giving the same variables as above, but with an additional rotation variable (float).

2d_geometric_shapes.txt · Last modified: 2022/10/03 17:08 by max